Thursday, February 11, 2010


ESL Instructor


9 years

In Halifax
In Castlegar
In Vancouver at Sanga Yoga studio
self-directed practice at home

I know the value of yoga and its power to heal, inspire, and help us to expand our lives and our ideas about who we are. It relieves physical pain, calms the mind, balances the spirit, strengthens the body, and renews our connection with our spiritual selves.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ode to elementary school paintboxes

I drew this especially for the guy who pushed me off the bus yesterday:


Hallelujiah! I always knew that SOMEDAY, in a land faraway from university, I'd have time to pick up the groovy guitar Dad bought me Christmases ago. Tom picks it up almost everyday, and I started frothing at the mouth out of jealousy and spite for my comparative ineptitude, so I started practicing on this rainy day. It doesn't sound miraculous yet, but music feels so good, and I associate it with pure happiness because I always loved it when Dad played at home.

Monsoon season's begun in Vancouver. I was beginning to doubt the widespread prophesies about Vancouver weather...they're seasonal, but true!

We've been visiting with Brian for the last few weeks and had lots of nice meals and walks together. Next weekend we're doing to try and go snowboarding, so Tom's thrilled. He's been working through the last few weekends to save up a few days off.

I'm counting down the days till Christmas. I went to Homesense on my lunchbreak and got some grannyish baking trays and icing bags that fill my heart with cheesy delight. Crap, my rice is burning! AHHHHHHHH!

Okay, saved. Anyways I miss my family very much and I can't wait to go home. Tom and I really wish we could find some way of making a living in Nelson. They only problem is that the Kootenays are so small, and it seems to be all about who you know. And we haven't spent a lot of time there, and we don't know that many people. Anyways if any of you guys hear of any jobs in Nelson or Rossland, let us know, and we'll be back there as soon as we can be! I love some things about vancouver: They have a wonderful little yoga community, lots of used books stores, nice tea shops, none of the assholes I went to high school with live here, no estranged family members who hate my guts live here, but at the same time both of us just want to spend time outdoors and be close to people we love. Work is okay for both of us, but I've seen things done at my work that make me think I should get out before I'm put on salary. Oyyy vey. The students are really great though. Because of cultural differences, they seem to have less behavioural problems and they work really hard. Plus they're really curious about Canada and we have lots of interesting questions. It's a good course-it's build around debating controversial topics and it gets pretty juicy, plus it isn't as grammar intensive as the rest of ESL, which is a good thing, since I'm not exactly a pro in that area.

I miss you Chels and Ian and family. I love how you post pictures and things the kids say-I feel more in touch with them! I hope we'll be able to see you guys next year.

I got a nice letter from grandma the other day and I'll be writing back soon!!

PS does anyone know why I can't post comments on The magic number or on Jessi's blog? Do I need to get a gmail account?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The last day of the challenge...

It was the best of times, it was the stiffest of was the end of the Yoga challenge.

A blog is born

Hi family and friends!

Recently, I've been really inspired by the wonderful blogs of both of my sisters, and I thought starting a new one up might be a nice way to keep in touch! Stay posted for anecdotes, news items, and peekshures.